

Din sökning på "*" gav 124559 sökträffar

Tzu Ling Kuo - a career of an IIIEE alumna

Tzu Ling has a background in sociology and economics and joined the EMP programme since she wanted to make a difference. She has a passion for environmental and social issues and is today working in one of the biggest environmental consultancies in Taiwan, where the main client is the goverment. She loved dancing to ABBA with her classmates and think the two years in Sweden really have changed her

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/tzu-ling-kuo-career-iiiee-alumna - 2025-01-05

Energy Communities: a transition towards a more just energy system?

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS We use energy in almost every aspect of our lives. Yet, often, we do not know the source of electricity that powers our homes or heats our food. In this episode, we explore energy communities as a form of decentralised and democratic energy production. Community energy sees people coming together to take control of their energy needs, by finding alternative ways to

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/media-press/podcast-advancing-sustainable-solutions/podcast-episode-guide/energy-communities-transition-towards-more-just-energy-system - 2025-01-05

Research Projects

Decarbonisation LaboratoryThe aim of the Decarbonisation Laboratory is to build capacity for understanding the dynamics of decarbonisation.Researchers: Kes McCormick, Lena Neij ResearchTheme: Strategies for low-carbon infrastructuresSee more:: Decarbonisation Laboratory Centre for Societal ResilienceThe Centre for Societal Resilience is a university-wide independent transdisciplinary centre for re

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/research-projects - 2025-01-05

Sustainable Finance: Investing in Our Future

Sustainable finance, non-financial disclosures, ESG, oh my! The world of sustainable finance may seem dark and scary. But, in this episode, we introduce many key concepts through dialogue as well as discuss how sustainable finance contributes to wider sustainability objectives. The finance sector is playing an ever growing role in supporting the transition to a Paris-aligned world by incorporating

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/sustainable-finance-investing-our-future - 2025-01-05

Research projects

Advancing Sustainable Solutions  See all our research projects at Lund University Research PortalCurrent research projects:Behavioural economics to advance sustainable urban sharing-economy initiatives in SwedenBehavioural economics for energy and climate change policies and the transition to a sustainable energy systemCE-MOOC: Circular Economy: Managing Materials SustainablyCIMMREC: Circular Mode

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/research/research-projects - 2025-01-05

Storytelling for Sustainability

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS If we want to imagine a more sustainable future, we need to be emotionally connected with that vision. Providing the latest facts and figures alone won’t do the trick. We suggest storytelling can be a great way to convey these facts in a compelling way to envision and connect with a possible future. Stories are an effective narrative device, because they activate ar

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/media-press/podcast-advancing-sustainable-solutions/podcast-episode-guide/storytelling-sustainability - 2025-01-05

Sustainable Finance: Investing in Our Future

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Sustainable finance, non-financial disclosures, ESG, oh my! The world of sustainable finance may seem dark and scary. But, in this episode, we introduce many key concepts through dialogue as well as discuss how sustainable finance contributes to wider sustainability objectives. The finance sector is playing an ever growing role in supporting the transition to a Pari

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/media-press/podcast-advancing-sustainable-solutions/podcast-episode-guide/sustainable-finance-investing-our-future - 2025-01-05

The "Brainy" Bunch: The journey of a PhD student

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS What happens when you take a bunch of people from different cultural and geographical backgrounds, ask them to integrate under one discipline or department, and share a profound and life-changing experience? In this episode, we unpack some of these stories as we look at the journey of a PhD Student at Lund University. We interview our colleagues Emma Johnson, who is

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/media-press/podcast-advancing-sustainable-solutions/podcast-episode-guide/brainy-bunch-journey-phd-student - 2025-01-05


The IIIEE works at the nexus of economy, industry and the environment, and we believe that a profound industrial transformation is a precondition for a sustainable future. We strive to advance strategies for sustainable solutions pursued by public authorities and businesses – internationally, nationally and locally. Today, we live in a time when systematic changes of unsustainable systems of consu

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/about-iiiee/strategy - 2025-01-05

IIIEE activities

The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics The IIIEE produces and shares actionable knowledge for sound decision making at all levels, from the local to the global, and educates future leaders and change agents.  The IIIEE's research and education advance strategies for sustainable solutions. We explore and advance knowledge in the design, application and evaluation of poli

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/about-iiiee/iiiee-activities - 2025-01-05

The Building

The IIIEE Building is located in the heart of Lund, situated right next to the cathedral and the old town. The building has a long history, and we are proud to share it, and be a part of it. The building is an integral part of what makes the IIIEE unique. Completed in 1909, the building was designed by the architect Fredrik Sundbärg, and commissioned by the insurance company Skånska Brand to be us

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/about/building - 2025-01-05

Evaluating for a Sustainability Transition

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS All kinds of public policies are being proposed to address our climate and sustainability challenges, for example, emission standards, substance bans, aviation taxes, energy efficiency labels, and even communication campaigns. However, global carbon dioxide emissions keep going up! Are these policies working? Under what circumstance? And, at what cost to other syste

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/media-press/podcast-advancing-sustainable-solutions/podcast-episode-guide/evaluating-sustainability-transition - 2025-01-05


Här hittar du material du kan behöva i ditt dagliga arbete. Här finns material relaterat till olika verksamheter inom nätverket som du kan behöva i ditt dagliga arbete, till exempel manualer, lista över transportsystemet och manualen över baskompetenser. Materialet är sorterat efter den huvudsakliga verksamhet det är relaterat till. Du hittar dokument skapade av olika enheter inom organisationen p

https://www.lub.lu.se/internt/verksamheter - 2025-01-05

Media & system

Här har vi samlat bland annat manualer till våra system och länkar till olika Libguider, som kan hjälpa dig i ditt praktiska biblioteksarbete. Användbara länkar inom media och system LibGuide: LUBsearch & elektroniska resurserLibris KB - Metabyråns webbplatsLUBcat personalgränssnittLUBcat FAQ

https://www.lub.lu.se/internt/verksamheter/media-system - 2025-01-05

Stöd till forskning

  Här kan du som arbetar med stöd till forskning bland annat lägga upp och hitta lathundar, manualer eller undervisningsmaterial. Du finner även länkar till relevanta medarbetarnätverk där du kan se vem som jobbar med liknande saker på andra bibliotek i nätverket. Stöd till forskningen Libguide: Reference managementEn guide om referenshantering, där vi bland annat samlar vanliga frågor och lathund

https://www.lub.lu.se/internt/verksamheter/stod-till-forskning - 2025-01-05

Stöd till undervisning

Verksamheten Stöd till undervisning är ett stort område som omfattar vårt pedagogiska arbete i klassrum och på nätet, akademisk hederlighet, referenshantering med mera. Manualer Hitta lathundar på LUBfile. Libguider Pedagogik, service och miljö på akademiska bibliotek Reference management - en LibGuide av Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens bibliotek Akademiskt skrivande - en film av Samhällsvetensk

https://www.lub.lu.se/internt/verksamheter/stod-till-undervisning - 2025-01-05

Användarservice & kommunikation

Här kan du som arbetar med likabehandling och tillgänglighet på ditt bibliotek hitta manualer och användbara länkar. Här finns också material angående lånefrågor och kring webbarbete. LU Service/Universitetsposten sköter vår transport av böcker mellan biblioteken. Ändringar i ruttlistan görs av systemgruppen på UB. Ruttlistan för transport av böcker. Biblioteksguiden Här kan du hitta biblioteksgui

https://www.lub.lu.se/internt/verksamheter/anvandarservice-kommunikation - 2025-01-05


E-media arbetar med följande huvudsakliga aktivitetsområden och relaterade tjänster: Hantering av e-material, d.v.s. prenumerationer och licenser av e-tidskrifter, e-böcker och databaser. I ansvaret för tjänsterna ingår tekniskt underhåll, vidareutveckling, statistik, utvärdering och kvalitetssäkring. Området hanterar feedback, utvecklar manualer och håller undervisning för bibliotekspersonal. E-m

https://www.lub.lu.se/internt/verksamheter/media-system/e-media - 2025-01-05